The Three Most Important Things about Leadership

Over the past few months, I have during my MBA studies; we have deliberated, reflected and observed the leadership journey. I even spoke to my children and asked their opinion on me writing a book on the subject. Obviously, they provided feedback via laughter, not deterred I am still making notes. So far the book will have three sections:



  • It’s all about People
  • Appreciation – Showing and Giving
  • Life without regrets … live it to the fullest



For some that I have talked to this can be a bit of a difference to the management training they have been given. Leadership is very different from where many focus their energies. What if I could write a book to decipher and debunk what it took to get to “the top”? I’ve been gathering research and focusing on is what it takes to make a difference, appreciate those around us and make the most of every day.


Leadership questions for YOU:

  • “What do you think of the 3 headings and are there any you would add or change?”
  • “Why does it usually take disaster/tragedy for us to truly appreciate each other – what would it take to make it part of your daily routine?”


Remember…YOU do make a difference!



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